The Believer’s Network is proud to introduce the Leadership Development Cohort One, a transformative seven-week online mentorship program designed to empower church leaders and believers engaged in various sectors, including ministry, the marketplace, and politics. Scheduled to run every Saturday at 9 AM, this program is structured to deepen participants’ understanding of strategic leadership through a biblical lens, enhance their capacity for governance, and equip them for effective leadership roles across all spheres of influence.

Each week of the program will cover a distinct topic, integrating scriptural wisdom with contemporary leadership practices. From exploring the systems and structures of biblical figures like Pharaoh and the Apostles to developing practical skills in areas such as kingdom citizenship, workplace excellence, and cultural impact, the program promises a comprehensive learning experience. Participants will engage in weekly assignments to reinforce learning and undertake a significant project at the program’s conclusion, ensuring that they can apply their new knowledge in practical, impactful ways.

This mentorship initiative is not just about leadership development but about cultivating a network of visionary leaders who are equipped to serve God’s purpose in every area of life. Whether you’re leading a church, navigating the corporate world, or influencing public policy, the Leadership Development Cohort One offers the tools and insights to excel and make a difference.


The curriculum covers the following:

WEEK ONE: Encounters That Transform: Divine Moments Shaping Leadership

WEEK TWO: Kingdom Citizenship: Understanding authority and governance

WEEK THREE: Strategic Systems and Divine Structures

WEEK FOUR: Building Capacity: From Potential to Performance

WEEK FIVE: Excelling in Secular Arenas: Lessons from Joseph and Daniel

WEEK SIX: Culture as Catalyst and Constraint in Leadership

WEEK SEVEN: From Conception to Commercialization: Turning Ideas into Impact